Friday, September 08, 2006

Quick Hitters

Thoughts rambling around in my head:

Was there any more useless waste of time and energy than the Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson deal? And now when it's revealed who the leaker was, well, we're still waiting for the mea culpa. Or, like the Washington Post, you can take the media equivalent of a "my bad"...

It amazes me that, even when revealed that a pretty staunch anti-war guy, Richard Armitage, was the Plamegate leaker, left-wing nutballs still think Karl Rove had something to do with it? The left's obsession with Rove is humorous, and to think the White House's own Darth Vader would be brought down on something this petty would be underestimating Rove. Then again, they got Al Capone on tax evasion...

And I also laugh at this "outing" of Valerie Plame, like she was deep undercover in a burka in Pakistan, planting surveilance bugs in Osama's cave when the New York Times was delivered with her picture and blew her cover. Besides, being an internationally known super-spy worked well for both James Bond and Austin Powers, so...

Think there's any correlation to the death of Plamegate and the release of the Senate report nixing the link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda?


Marion Jones' B-sample came back negative. Whew, what a relief. I mean, after her coach, ex-husband, and former trainer were all busted for doping and Jones herself was mentioned in the BALCO investigation, someone might have the mistaken idea that she actually took performance-enhancing drugs...

Coming soon, a shocking revelation: some NFL players take performance-enhancing drugs as well...

Do you think Carolina Panthers player Julius Peppers is pissed? He caught a four-game suspension a few years ago for taking a Sudafed, yet four of his teammates were juicing before the Super Bowl and never got caught...


More later...

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