Friday, July 22, 2005

You get 72 virgins for that?

You mean to tell me Islam states you get 72 virgins for blowing up commuters in a subway? No wonder hundreds of young men (and women) are signing up to be suicide bombers.

A couple of thoughts on Britain's 7/7 and this week's follow-up attacks:

1. What is the purpose of blowing up the Tube? Twice? I get the WTC (al-Qaeda had a hard-on for that one for years), the Pentagon, Washington DC... But the London subway? Twice?

2. If this is a holy crusade (such as it is), then what is the purpose? There are only three reasons to go on a holy war: A) Conversion, B) Defense, or C) Eradication. Don't see a whole lot of A or B in 9/11 and 7/7.

3. I am an open-minded guy who doesn't think my religion is the only way to eternal salvation, but I am having a really hard time with the Islamic extremists. I mean, if a Christian nut-job attacks an abortion clinic, at least the attack is targeted to the actual place where the affront to the religion is taking place. Exactly how is the Tube a threat to Islam?

4. Along those lines, I don't get why the Islamic leaders refuse to come out in condemnation of these type of attacks. I truly hope Mohammed Atta and the 9/11 hijackers showed up at the door of Heaven, whereupon Allah said, "What the hell were you thinking?" And then, instead of 72 virgins, they were given 72 Virginians. Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Robert E. Lee, and the rest of the boys could then do a little dance on his face.

5. England survived Hitler. They will certainly press onward from this annoyance.

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